Scribbler Competition 1:  “Let’s Get Ready to Rooooobooooot.”


This DRAWING COMPETITION will assess the skills you have learned so far including drawing shapes, programming, critical thinking, logic, and planning. 

You can tackle this competition in one of two ways:

1) If you are working by yourself or with a single group, try the competition 3 times, and try to improve on your times. 

2) Go head-to-head with other groups and see if you can write the best program in the shortest amount of time.

Competition Goal:

Write a program that will draw the shape provided.

Ways to Win:

1)      Best Time:

·         First person or group to finish and successfully completes the shape wins this award.

2)      Best Drawing:

·        The person or group with the best looking shape that is closest to the goal shape in measurement and design wins this award.

3)      Most Creative Programming:

·         The person or group who uses the best programming concepts including subroutines and efficiency wins this award.



1)      Don’t look ahead at the shape until it’s time to start the competition.

2)      No using an OLD program, you must start from scratch.  However, you may look at your previous programs to assist you.

3)      Only the final shape matters, you can draw it anyway you see fit!


The teacher will choose one of these shapes, or may provide a different one:

Shape 1


Shape 2